Registered trademark in Vietnam
Registering a trademark in Vietnam involves several steps, documents, and associated costs. Here's a detailed overview:
Trademark Application Form: A standard form provided by the National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) of Vietnam.
Specimen of the Trademark: A clear image or representation of the trademark (size: 80mm x 80mm is common).
List of Goods/Services: A detailed list of the goods or services the trademark will cover, classified under the Nice Classification.
Applicant's Information: Full name, address, and nationality of the applicant (for individuals) or the registered address (for companies).
Power of Attorney (POA): If using an agent or law firm to file on your behalf, a signed and notarized POA is required.
Priority Documents (if applicable): If claiming priority under the Paris Convention, submit a certified copy of the priority application within three months of filing.
Translation: If any documents are in a foreign language, certified Vietnamese translations may be required.
The process generally takes 12-18 months, depending on the complexity and whether there are objections or oppositions.
Formal Examination: 1-2 months after filing.
Substantive Examination: 9-12 months.
Publication & Registration: 2-4 months after acceptance.
The costs can vary based on the number of classes and services covered. A rough breakdown:
Official Fees:
Filing fee: VND 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 (approx. USD 40-80) for one class.
Additional class fee: VND 300,000-500,000 (USD 12-20) per extra class.
Substantive examination: VND 700,000-1,000,000 (USD 28-40).
Registration and publication fee: VND 700,000 (USD 28).
Service Fees (if using an IP agent): Typically USD 150-500, depending on the agent and complexity.