

Register trademarks in China

Guocai Trademark Office, founded in July 2005, is a registered firm inNational Intellectual Property Administration .Providing professional intellectualproperty services to China domestic and more than 90 counties foreign customers.including TrademarkRegistration ,Patent applications and IP litigationWe are a team of more than 60 people from trademark patentAttorney ,ip lawyer, accountant and assistant ...

How much does it cost?

Service Class Our service cost (USD) Official fees(USD) DHL (USD) Total(USD)
Offer More than 3 class offer 20% discount
Trademark registration 1 class 300 240 30 30 330

 * In China the registration of trademarks in a category can choose 10 items

 * The above quotation includes all our taxes, translation and other costs

How long does it take?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Ut et massa Aliquam in hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sit amet sapien fringilla, mattis l consectetur, ultrices mauris. Maecenas vitae mattis tellus.

Normally, it takes about 9-10 months from filing a trademark application to getting a certificate.if  trademark rejection, trademark objection, will take more times.




14 days


7 days

The trial

6-9 moths


3 moths




In order to file a trademark application, please provide us with the following information:

1. Trademark (If it is a logo, please provide us with the logo data, preferably larger than 600 pixels x  600 pixels in jpg format.)

2. POA (will offer by Guocai ,just sign for us )

3. the copy of business license

4. Applicant's full name in Chinese

5. Applicant's full address in Chinese

6. Applicant's nationality 

Our Trademark services

Conducting trademark searches and providing registrability advice.

Preparing and filing trademark applications in Chinese.

Prosecution of trademark applications in China.

Handling trademark oppositions, cancellations, and invalidations.

Preparing and recording assignments and trademark licenses.

Firm Profile


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  • Q: Can individuals apply for patents in China?

    yes , it can 

  • Q: Does the design patents need to protect color?

    Don't use color if no necessary, someone might just change the color of the product and get around the patent.

  • Q: Whole structure application or partial structure application is better ?

    It would be better to patent designs separately.

  • Q: What about patent infringement in China?

    Collect infringement evidence is the most important, entrust a lawyer to file a lawsuit

  • Q: The invention lacks prominent substantive features and significant progress compared with prior art. Lack of novelty leads to the rejection of the patent application.

    Conduct a comprehensive search of prior art before application. If there are issues, improve and optimize the invention until it meets the novelty requirements before submission.Drafting

  • Q: The patent application documents are unclear, incomplete or non - standard, which may affect the review and even lead to rejection.

    Refer to the drafting guidelines, or entrust a professional agency to draft. Ensure that the claims, specifications, etc. are accurate and complete.

  • Q: Refer to the drafting guidelines, or entrust a professional agency to draft. Ensure that the claims, specifications, etc. are accurate and complete.

    Incorrect classification may cause application delays or incomplete review.

  • Q: Incorrect classification may cause application delays or incomplete review.

    Study the classification regulations. Select the correct classification number according to the technical features. Consult relevant departments or agencies if unsure.

  • Q: Failure to pay application fees, examination fees, annual fees, etc. on time may lead to the application being withdrawn or the patent right being terminated.

    Understand the fee standards and deadlines. Make a budget and set reminders. Apply for fee reduction if in financial difficulty.Response to Examination Opinions

  • Q: The examiner raises opinions. Improper response may lead to the rejection of the application.

    Study the opinions carefully. Provide reasonable responses and evidence based on the actual invention. Modify the documents as required.Infringement

  • Q: During the application or after obtaining the patent right, infringement by others or potential self - infringement may be found, affecting patent registration and implementation.

    Conduct an infringement search before application. Adjust the plan or negotiate if there are risks. If infringement is found, collect evidence first, then negotiate. If unsuccessful, file a lawsuit or seek assistance from the administrative department.